with my blog relaunch I thought it would be the perfect time to explain my on-going headaches with Julep Maven and what a terrible headache it was to finally deactivate my account. This is going to be a fun tale of frustration, confusion, and failed customer service...
So, This is the beginning of my story,
I first stumbled across Julep Maven when I saw they were advertising for first time Julep customers to receive the first box of there monthly subscription service for absolutely not charge EXCEPT if you were shipping to Canada like I was you would need to pay a $3.95 charge to have the box shipped to your address. but hey, 2 nail polishes and a bonus gift for 4$ was a good enough deal for me!
I signed up, with my master card and placed the order for my free box from Julep, I was very excited to see my box arrive on my front doorstep about 3 weeks later and ran inside to open it up! There was 2 nail polishes inside as well as a cuticle pen. The 2 shades I received were a purple and a metallic dark silver with a purple undertone. They were pretty however not my style but it didn't really matter to me as the box was free and it was a fun experience either way. The cuticle pen was alright, it said it was intended to be used two - three times a day on your cuticle area - im not sure who in the hell has time for that but okay LOL.
ANYWAY, months and months pass, I let Julep charge me the 20$ a month fee for 2 nail polishes that are no better than polishes you find at the drug store from Sally Hansen and a bonus gift that usually sucked asssssss.
After a couple months of disappointing boxes I decided I did not want to continue to have a subscription with Julep Maven so this is where the real disappointment starts:
I searched around on Julep Mavens site and found a contact email, I decided to send in an email to request to have my subscription cancelled and within a couple days I received an email back stating the Julep Maven does all of there subscription cancellations over the phone and they also provide with the 1-800 number to call and have this completed. This seeming fairly normal for these stupid monthly subscription companies I decided to call this number...
Im calling the Julep number and I listen to the automated service system where I press option "4" on my telephone which should send you to subscription cancellation, once you have chosen this option on the automated system shit it leaves you a message that says "due to the high frequency of calls we CANNOT take your call, please leave a message with your name and phone number and we will get right back to you as soon as we can". Obviously, I left a polite message requesting a subscription cancellation with my name and contact information and let them know anytime of the day to call would be fine. A week passes and still no call, I decided to call Julep maven again and had the same exact experience. By this time 4 weeks have past with me calling them a few times a week and continuing to leave messages and still not getting any response. I finally decided I would go back to the written form and email the company again however I went into extreme detail to the sales manager about my terrible disappointing experience and again requested to have my subscription cancelled and that I was completely unsatisfied with the customer experience that Julep Maven shows. A week after a sent this very long, and firm email I did receive an apology email and also a confirmation that my subscription had finally been cancelled. FINALLY THANK YOU
It doesn't matter how many times, or what time of the day you call Julep Maven if you are looking for a subscription cancellation they will NOT take your call and try to avoid your concerns and requests so they can continue to over charge you for nail polish you can buy anywhere else.
HOLYYYYY THAT was a long story.
has anyone else had not so awesome experiences with this company??
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